
Home > ANSYS Q3D 教學 > Self-Capacitance and Mutual-Resistance


This article is published on the start of 2017. It is intended to introduce the concept of self-capacitance (aka auto-capacitance) and mutual-resistance using R17.2 Q3D.

  1. What is Self-Capacitance? 什麼是自電容?

  2. How to check the nature of charge balance with Q3D? 如何利用Q3D檢驗電荷平衡?

  3. What is Mutual-Resistance? 什麼是互電阻?

  4. Q&A

    4.1 How to deal with ground net for package model extraction? 抽封裝模型時,地訊號如何處理?

    4.2 Why is the value of a mutual-resistance negative sometimes? 為何互阻值有時會是負的?

    4.3 Why is the value of a mutual-inductance negative sometimes? 為何互感值有時會是負的?

    4.4 In step 3.2.1, when export SPICE model, should [AC Resistance] or [Add DC and AC Resistance] be checked?

  5. Reference

  1. What is Self-Capacitance? 什麼是自電容? [1][2] 

電容是兩片平行的金屬電極板之間,所形成的累積電荷能力,所以一般電容指的是互電容,也就是Q3D C matrix的非對角線單元,這比較好理解。

但自電容(也就是Q3D C matrix的對角線單元)是什麼物理意義?  這要分兩方面來說明:

How to better understand the physical meaning of self-capacitance (the diagonal terms in the C matrix of Q3D)? 

1.1 對於Maxwell Matrix,自電容是所有作用在此物件上的互電容總合,即在空間中所有對該物件累積的 總電荷感應(電力線牽引)。

     In Maxwell matrix, self-capacitance means the sum of all the mutual-capacitances of the object.

1.2 對於SPICE matrix,自電容是此物件對參考地的(互)電容。

     In SPICE matrix, self-capacitance means the mutual-capacitances from the object to reference ground V=0 at infinity. (net0)

以上定義可以很容易驗證:把step 1.1內Maxwell matrix的自電容減去其互容(留下的結果就是遠處參考地的影響),正好就是SPICE matrix裡的自電容。

      0.24069 - 0.12281 = 0.11788pF

You see, the values of SPICE matrix are the same as the data in the exported HSPICE model.

  1. How to check the nature of charge balance with Q3D? 如何利用Q3D檢驗電荷平衡? 

2.1 Add [Floating at infinity] in Q3D post-process first, then in Maxwell matrix, you will see the sum of any row or column is zero.

Q3D默認在無窮遠處有V=0的參考地(reference ground V=0 at infinity),此時Maxwell matrix內看到的自電容會略大於所有互電容的總合(as step1.1),而這多出來的値就是參考地對該物件的影響(從該物件到遠處地的電容)。若移除這個默認假設(set floating at infinity,表示遠處的參考平面 不存在),只考慮眼前所有導體之間的電荷平衡(local balance),此時Maxwell matrix內看到的自電容會正好是眼前所有互電容的總合,這裡的負號表示感應電荷 極性的反向。

所以我們至少有三個方法可以檢驗數值分析結果的合理性,那就是檢驗 passivity、causality、charge balance with floating at infinity

2.2 Add [Floating at infinity] in Q3D post-process first, then in SPICE matrix, you will see the self-C is (almost) zero, that means you have removed the effect of reference plane at infinity.

Q3D默認在無窮遠處有V=0的參考地(reference ground V=0 at infinity),此時SPICE matrix內看到的自電容表示該物件對遠處參考地的電容,其與另外的互電容大小關係由結構所決定(as step1.2)。若移除這個默認假設(set floating at infinity),表示不存在遠處的參考平面(當然就不存在對地的電容),故此時SPICE matrix內看到的自電容為零(沒有自容)。

  1. What is Mutual-Resistance? 什麼是互電阻? 

3.1 互電阻表示 相鄰的兩條導線間,當同時存在非DC的電流(兩線上都有AC電流流動)時,因臨近效應(proximity effect)所引起的額外功率損耗 項。
      Proximity effect induces eddy current on the nearby line and that will contribute some extra power dissipation. This is what the mutual-resistance behaves for.

  • 直流條件下,相鄰的兩條線間不存在互電阻(R12=0 at DC),又隨著頻率增加,互電阻也會增加。

  • 存在互電阻不代表導體間有漏電,DC下互電阻=0更不是表示導體short  (refer to 3.2)

  • 互電阻可能會是正的或是負的,其正負與兩條線間的介質或距離無關,但與兩條線上的AC電流所產生的磁場,彼此交互影響的結果相關。(但互阻的大小與相隔距離有關)

    兩條相鄰的導線,如果電流同向,其互阻值是的,如果電流反向,其互阻值是正的。特性跟互感正好相反,而理解上要明白這是感應電流(induced eddy current)造成的影響。

In Q3D, it is easy to exchange the location of sink\source by post-process (Reduce Matrix), as we show above.



Average total power dissipation is

上面最後一式的第三項,就是互阻所貢獻的"額外"功率損耗。The (*) superscript denotes the complex conjugate operation.


在SPICE中以電流相依電流源F element來表示互阻R12的效應,而R12單位是 歐姆(refer to step3.2)


3.2 對互阻常見的誤解 Common Mistakes in Using Mutual Resistance

3.2.1 互電阻很容易被誤以為是一個跨於兩個導體(自電阻)之間的電阻,請注意千萬不要落入這種錯誤印象。

兩導體之間的互電阻並 非意味著有一電阻跨於兩導體間(NOT imply leakage current),而是表示兩導體間因為感應渦電流(induced eddy current)的作用,對另一導體產生的功率損耗影響。The presence of a mutual resistance between two conductors does not imply the existence of a conductive path between them; rather, it indicates that the two conductors influence the power dissipation in one another through induced eddy currents.[3]

我們可以透過簡單的例子,以Q3D觀察R12在SPICE model內的net list,就可以很清楚的看出:互阻R12並不是跨於node1, node2之間,而是如下的諾頓等效電路表示 (以電流相依電流源F來表示互阻的效應)。


Norton equivalent model to produce Spice equivalent circuits with mutual resistance, because Spice can simulate these models more efficiently than the Thévenin equivalent circuits.

當RLC都包含時,默認會拆成左右對稱的一階T型等效電路來表示 :C element放中間並聯,RL element對稱分兩側串聯。

如下所示,為兩條平行金屬導體抽出的等效電路表示。 此圖並非軟體自動產生,而是檢視spice netlist後,手動於Designer繪製。

如果想產生n階等效電路,請在[number of cell]輸入n即可

3.2.2 有一種情況下,DC存在互電阻。即一個導體內存在兩個current path,此時等效電路如下所示 [3]

  1. Q&A

    4.1 How to deal with ground net for package model extraction? 抽封裝模型時,地訊號如何處理? 


4.1.1 以下三個方法都可以

  • 首推建議是把地也當signal net處理(設置sink\source),輸出touchstone file(.snp),所有node在circuit simulator內連接,包含接地(net0)即可。這樣的做法的好處是,掃頻SNP model的寬頻表現比選定單頻點輸出的SPICE model好,完整地迴路的效應也都有被考慮。
  • 若一定要輸出SPICE model,把地也當signal net處理(設置sink\source),在不做任何reduce matrix的情況下,建議選定中間頻點輸出SPICE model,所有node在circuit simulator內連接,包含接地即可。(選中間頻點輸出SPICE model是為了兼顧低頻與高頻的準度)
  • 若輸出SPICE model,地也當signal net處理(設置sink\source),但做了floating at infinity,沒指定any local geometry as ground net,那 所輸出的SPICE model內看不到對地電容(no C connected to net0),這不用擔心,雖然你沒有看到任何接到net0的對地電容,但任意兩物件之間的互容都是存在的(含signal to ground net),只要把所有node在circuit simulator內連接,包含接地即可。TPA吐出的SPICE就屬這類型,因為TPA默認使用floating at infinity。

如果你 以reduce matrix (RM)同時設定floating at infinity,又設定某個 相鄰的ground pin為ground net,然後輸出SPICE model,這樣的結果會不同,因為Q3D內的ground net後處理表示的意義是ideal V=0,只有考慮臨近效應在該相鄰參考地所產生的感應電流;又如果你改指定ground pin為return path,這樣也不 是,因為這功能是用來讓你估算loop inductance用的。

4.1.2 下圖以簡單兩條50mm長的平行線,示範由TPA export分別是SPICE與Touchstorn model的S21。可以看到把ground net當signal做model extraction所輸出的SPICE model才是最接近touchstone file的。至於在400MHz以上SPICE model與SNP model的開始出現越來越大的差異,原因是TPA(Q3D)屬quasi-static solver,有1/10波長的頻寬限制,對於50mm長度的傳輸線,觀察的頻寬其實不能超過400MHz。

4.1.3 另外,與設定ground net有關的重點

  • 在Q3D中,直接指定導體為ground net type與透過RM指定ground net,這兩種方法得到的C與DC RL相同,但AC RL不同。原因是只有後者可以在ground path上定義sink\source位置,所以可以考慮ground net上感應電流的"流動"所造成的電場變化,而前者只有考慮感應電流的發生,但無法定義感應電流的流動。

在Q3D中,不論是直接指定導體為ground net type,或透過RM指定ground net, 只有AC RL會變,而DC RL是不會變的,因為DC不會有鄰近效應(不會在相鄰導體上產生感應電流)。如果你 是希望看到訊號線因為旁邊多增加一個ground path而直流電感迴路改變的效應,那應該用RM return path,而不是用RM ground net (refer to partial L 7.4)。或是你也可以照前面我們所說的三種export model的方法,在circuit simulator (as Designer)內連接,做linear analysis看SYZ參數(轉L)觀察其變化。

  • 在Q3D中, 如果同時有設floating at infinity與ground net,兩者設定的先後次序不同,C matrix的結果也不同。由其是指定很大的一片相鄰plane為ground時。

先設ground net,再設floating at infinity,代表該net與無窮遠處被floating,系統內沒有V=0,此時可以在Maxwell matrix內看到電荷平衡。若先設floating at infinity,再設ground net,代表只有無窮遠處floating,該net還是維持V=0。

grounding a signal net + floating at infinity => both signal net and infinity are floating
floating at infinity + grounding a signal net => infinity sphere is floating, however the signal is still grounding

4.2 Why is the value of a mutual-resistance negative sometimes? 為何互阻值有時會是負的? 

Ans:兩條相鄰的導線,如果電流同向,其互阻值是的,如果電流反向,其互阻值是正的(as step3.1)。特性跟互感正好相反,而理解上要明白這是感應電流(induced eddy current)造成的影響。

4.3 Why is the value of a mutual-inductance negative sometimes? 為何互感值有時會是負的? 


4.4 In step 3.2.1, when export SPICE model, should [AC Resistance] or [Add DC and AC Resistance] be checked? 

Ans:It depends on what solution type you select when export SPICE model.

If you export SPICE model with solution type [Setup:LastAdaptive], select [Add DC and AC Resiastance], on the other hand, if export SPICE with solution type [Setup:Sweep], select [AC Resistance]. It is because sweep solution uses "DC+AC blending model" to get result, the Rac of sweep do imply total R already (that is, don't need to add DC R to AC R manually).

You can find more information in Q3D HELP.

Geting RLC from sweep solution is recommended for any frequency, no matter for AC region or transition region. However, the way [Change frequency] from reduce matrix works for AC region only, please use it carefully. 我個人從來不用[Change frequency].

  1. Reference 

    [1] The Maxwell Capacitance Matrix

    [2] Q3D HELP, search for "Maxwell matrix"

    [3] J. Eric Bracken,"Mutual Resistance in Spicelink", ANSYS Corporation.